Wao 按照官方 trouble shooting 的其中一个做法尝试了后成功,也谢谢你告诉我确实可以用
You can also try fully reinstalling the app by executing the following commands on terminal:
1. Stop / Quit the app.
2. Drag to the trash the .app file.
3. Open a terminal and execute the 4 following commands:
⁃ sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rugarciap.TurboBoost260Helper.plist
⁃ sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rugarciap.TurboBoost260Helper.plist
⁃ sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.rugarciap.TurboBoost260Helper
⁃ sudo kextcache --clear-staging
5. Open the original .dmg and install the app again by dragging it to Applications folder.
6. When asked, enter your root password.
7. Disable auto mode and click on “Disable Turbo Boost” manually to force the kext to load. If still “On”, go to Security prefs and allow the kext to be loaded by clicking “allow”. If a popup is displayed, select the “rugarciap” option there.
After all of this, reboot and try again.