Just tried an iPhone 12 Pro – what an incredibly clunky piece of hardware. It looks and feels like an oversized version of an iPhone 5 from 2012, but with an ugly array of cameras sticking out at three different heights. The notorious notch and wide bezels are still there, creating a low screen-to-body ratio and general outdated feeling for the device.
9 years after Steve Jobs died, the company is still living off the technology and reputation he built, without any meaningful innovation. It’s no surprise iPhone sales were down by 21% earlier this year. If this trend continues, in 7-10 years time the global market share of iPhones will be negligible.
刚刚试了一个 iPhone12Pro——一个如此令人难以置信的笨重硬件。无论是看起来或者是感觉起来都像是 2012 年 iPhone5 的超大版,不同点在于 iPhone 12 Pro 在三个不同高度上突出了一排丑陋的摄像头。备受诟病的刘海屏和宽边框仍然存在,给人一种低屏占比和过时的设备感觉。
在史蒂夫·乔布斯去世 9 年后,苹果公司仍然依靠他建立的技术和声誉生活,没有任何有意义的创新。今年早些时候,iPhone 销量下降了 21%,这并不令人惊讶。如果这种趋势持续下去,在 7-10 年的时间里,苹果手机的全球市场份额将可以忽略不计。
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