岗位职责: •设计和开发 MySQL 数据库云产品 RDS for MySQL 。 •设计和开发数据库服务运维管理平台。 •协助 DBA 设计并开发日常运维效率工具。 •持续优化服务,解决实际问题,提升系统的易用性、稳定性和可靠性。
任职要求: •计算机或相关专业本科及以上学历,5 年以上开发经验。 •熟练掌握和使用 Go 或 Python,对语言有深入的理解。 •全面的计算机基础知识结构(数据结构与算法、操作系统、网络、安全、数据库等)。 •熟悉常用的网络协议及开发( TCP 、UDP 、HTTP )。 •熟悉 MySQL 数据库以及 Innodb 存储引擎体系架构,有系统诊断及调优经验者优先。 •有 MySQL 内核源码开发经验者优先。•熟悉 MySQL 高可用原理,有分布式关系数据库系统开发经验者优先。 •熟悉 Docker 等容器化技术的原理和实现。 •良好的英文听说读写能力。 •有良好的团队协作精神,富有责任心。
Machine Reliability Engineer (MRE)Leader
The mission of the Tech Ops MRE (Machine Reliability Engineering) team is to ensure efficient and sustainable operation of the network and hardware level 24x7, building and maintaining massive hardware clusters for SRE and capacity, in terms of capacity, cost and hardware performance. The team provides sustainable hardware resources and stable network support services. MRE needs to communicate with the data center team to design and optimise network architecture; provide reasonable hardware configuration through hardware testing and selection according to business requirements; customize stable and efficient OS; optimize traditional operation through engineering and service means; and build a complete hardware monitoring system to improve the efficiency of fault handling.
Job Description: Responsible for the maintenance of OS and server Responsible for the system service such as NTP/SMTP/Ansible/Saltstack Responsible for the maintenance of CDN Responsible for the maintenance of CI/CD pipeline Provide efficient and effective OS/Server solutions according to business needs
Requirements: Bachelor’s or higher degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields Experienced in Kernel tuning and customization Proficient in Linux Operating system; Familiar with X86 hardware architecture Skilled use of a variety of system management tools, with experience in performance benchmark, familiar with TCP/IP and basic network concept
Skills below are optional but preferable: Experience with SMTP/PoP3/IMAP/NTP Experience with OS Kernel fine-tuning and customization experience is preferred Experience with Ansible/Saltstack Experience with the maintenance of CDN Experience with CI/CD pipeline, such as jenkins/gitlab/harbour/etc. Experience withdevelopment of CMDB Experience with Resource application, capacity management platform design or R&D is preferred