请问下面异步嵌套的 await 为什么会导致 Task <Task pending coro=<fetch() running at xxxx.py:45> cb=[gather.<locals>._done_callback() 回调失败 ?
加入了异步插入 mongo 后导致的,去掉入库那一段就没问题。
mongo_client = AsyncIOMotorClient(connect_uri)
collection = mongo_client['db_stock']['new_stock_ttjj']
def parse_json(content):
# 解析
content += ';function getV(){return hsEnHLwG;}'
ctx = execjs.compile(content)
result = ctx.call('getV')
return result
async def update_data(data):
# 异步 mongo 入库
code = data['securitycode']
found = await collection.find_one({'securitycode':code})
if not found:
await collection.insert_one(data)
async def fetch(session,page):
async with session.get(home_url.format(page),headers=headers) as resp:
content = await resp.text()
js_content = parse_json(content)
for stock_info in js_content['data']:
securityshortname = stock_info['securityshortname']
await update_data(stock_info)
except Exception as e:
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(home_url.format(1), headers=headers) as resp:
content = await resp.text()
js_data = parse_json(content)
pages = js_data['pages']
tasks =[]
for page in range(1,pages+1):
task = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(session,page))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
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