echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
cd /etc/wireguard/
umask 077
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
umask 022
cat privatekey
cat publickey
vim wg0.conf
Address =
PrivateKey = kH+D4tV+2MJ0r3Pz0ZcfaAKdtW6JGHw1pxcRhWfXGW8=
ListenPort = 8006
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PublicKey = Na5BMpCXuG0wmyXZH1GE3Uic+hvkq4865lIR+RTJjUU=
AllowedIPs =
wg-quick up wg0
PrivateKey = kH+D4tV+2MJ0r3Pz0ZcfaAKdtW6JGHw1pxcRhWfXGW8=
Address =
MTU = 1420
PublicKey = Na5BMpCXuG0wmyXZH1GE3Uic+hvkq4865lIR+RTJjUU=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 30
2020-11-26 12:02:17.742234: [NET] App version: 0.0.20191105 (16); Go backend version: 0.0.20191013
2020-11-26 12:02:17.742626: [NET] Starting tunnel from the app
2020-11-26 12:02:18.523714: [NET] Tunnel interface is utun2
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524107: [NET] Attaching to interface
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524639: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524717: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524828: [NET] Routine: event worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524886: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524933: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524962: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.524988: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525033: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525084: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525127: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525210: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525236: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525262: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525289: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525324: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525350: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525376: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525403: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525429: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525461: [NET] Routine: handshake worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525487: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525540: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525581: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525613: [NET] Routine: encryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525642: [NET] Routine: TUN reader - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525697: [NET] Routine: decryption worker - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525807: [NET] UAPI: Updating private key
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525906: [NET] UAPI: Removing all peers
2020-11-26 12:02:18.525939: [NET] UAPI: Transition to peer configuration
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526149: [NET] peer(AAAA…AAAA) - UAPI: Updating endpoint
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526218: [NET] peer(AAAA…AAAA) - UAPI: Updating persistent keepalive interval
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526310: [NET] peer(AAAA…AAAA) - UAPI: Removing all allowedips
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526349: [NET] peer(AAAA…AAAA) - UAPI: Adding allowedip
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526636: [NET] Routine: receive incoming IPv6 - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526688: [NET] Routine: receive incoming IPv4 - started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526819: [NET] UDP bind has been updated
2020-11-26 12:02:18.526868: [NET] Device started
2020-11-26 12:02:18.527599: [APP] Tunnel 'test' connection status changed to 'connected'
2020-11-26 12:02:22.573923: [APP] Status update notification timeout for tunnel 'test'. Tunnel status is now 'connected'.
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.