有没在coursera.org上课的童鞋,玩node的童鞋有福了,推荐一个Stanford的Startup Engineering课程,全套js实现。
Introduction and Quickstart
Tools: VMs, IAAS/PAAS, Unix Command Line, Text Editors, DCVS
Frontend: HTML/CSS/JS, Wireframing, Market Research
Backend: SSJS, Databases, Frameworks, Data Pipelines
APIs: Client-side templating, HTTP, SOA/REST/JSON, API as BizDev
Devops: Testing, Deployment, CI, Monitoring, Performance
Dev Scaling: DRY, Reading/Reviewing/Documenting Code, Parallelizing
Founding: Conception, Composition, Capitalization
Business Scaling: Promotion, CAC/LTV/Funnel, Regulation, Accounting
Summary and Demo Week
用到的技术: 全套js,哈哈,这个大爱。
直达: https://www.coursera.org/course/startup
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