多选框组件 MultiCheck.tsx
import React, { useState, useEffect, FunctionComponent } from "react";
import { fpMap, pipe } from "../utils";
import "./MultiCheck.css";
export type Option = {
label: string;
value: string;
checked: boolean;
* Notice:
* 1. There should be a special `Select All` option with checkbox to control all passing options
* 2. If columns > 1, the options should be placed from top to bottom in each column
* @param {string} label - the label text of this component
* @param {Option[]} options - options
* @param {number} columns - default value is 1
* @param {Function} onChange - when checked options are changed,
* they should be passed to outside
type Props = {
label?: string;
options: Option[];
columns?: number;
onChange?: (options: Option[]) => void;
const selectAll = (c = false) => ({
label: "Select All",
value: "Select All",
checked: c
const MultiCheck: FunctionComponent<Props> = (props): JSX.Element => {
const { label = "", columns = 1, onChange = () => {} } = props;
const [value, setValue] = useState({}); // for call props.onChange
const [options, setOptions] = useState<Option[]>([
/* if original options all checked */
function hasUnchecked(o: Option[]) {
return o.filter(o => o.value !== selectAll().value).some(o => !o.checked);
function _handleClick(o: Option): void {
/* user toggle click checkbox */
const convertCheck = fpMap(i => {
if (i.value === o.value) {
return { ...i, checked: !o.checked };
return i;
/* user toggle click SelectAll option */
const convertSelectAll = fpMap(i => {
if (selectAll().value === o.value) {
return { ...i, checked: !o.checked };
return i;
/* if all other option checked than SelectAll option checked else unchecked */
const isAllChecked = (o: Option[]) => {
return fpMap(i => {
if (i.value === selectAll().value) {
return { ...i, checked: !hasUnchecked(o) };
return i;
setOptions(prev =>
pipe(convertCheck, convertSelectAll, isAllChecked)(prev)
function _getColumns(n: number): number {
return n > 0 ? Math.ceil(options.length / n) : 1;
useEffect(() => {
/* selectAll option can not be pass outside */
onChange(options.filter(i => i.value !== selectAll().value));
}, [value]);
return (
<div className="multi-check-container">
<div className="multi-check">
<div className="multi-check-label">
gridTemplateRows: `repeat(${_getColumns(columns)},auto)`
{fpMap(o => (
<label className="multi-check-item" key={o.value}>
onChange={() => _handleClick(o)}
export default MultiCheck;
import "@testing-library/jest-dom";
import React from "react";
import renderer from "react-test-renderer";
import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
import { fpMap, pipe } from "../utils";
import MultiCheck from "./MultiCheck";
describe("MultiCheck", () => {
describe("initialize", () => {
it("renders correctly", () => {
const tree = renderer.create(<MultiCheck options={[]} />).toJSON();
it("renders the label if label provided", () => {
const label = "jest test";
render(<MultiCheck options={[]} label={label} />);
it("render and click checkbox", () => {
const options = [{ label: "test", value: "test", checked: false }];
render(<MultiCheck options={options} />);
// simulate user click checkbox
describe("utils", () => {
it("fpMap", () => {
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let add1 = (o: number) => o + 1;
expect(fpMap(add1)(arr)).toEqual([2, 3, 4]);
it("pipe", () => {
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let add1Each = (i: []) => i.map(o => o + 1);
let prod2Each = (i: []) => i.map(o => o * 2);
expect(pipe(add1Each, prod2Each)(arr)).toEqual([4, 6, 8]);
工具代码 utils.ts
type fn = (arg: any) => any;
// functional programming for map iterator
export function fpMap(func: fn): fn {
return function(arr: unknown[]): unknown[] {
let length: number = arr.length || 0;
let i: number = 0;
let result: unknown[] = [];
while (i < length) {
return result;
// functional programming pipe
export function pipe(...fns: fn[]): fn {
return function(x: any) {
return fns.reduce((v: any, f: fn) => f(v), x);
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