Benchmark (framework) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
BenchmarkRunner.query mybatis thrpt 10 66.269 ± 5.584 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.query jdbc thrpt 10 125.223 ± 6.476 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.query hibernate thrpt 10 57.952 ± 2.983 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.query objsql thrpt 10 85.329 ± 4.812 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.update mybatis thrpt 10 118.780 ± 6.028 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.update jdbc thrpt 10 184.414 ± 10.612 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.update hibernate thrpt 10 66.626 ± 1.556 ops/ms
BenchmarkRunner.update objsql thrpt 10 130.013 ± 2.718 ops/ms
其中 ops/ms 表示每毫秒完成的操作
无论是查询,还是更新,与 MyBatis 无法拉开较大的差距,但多次运行后,总是稳定的领先。ObjectiveSQL 在性能与易用性上相比其它 ORM 框架优势比较明显,编写的代码量上优势更加明显,希望大家多多体验,并能提交 issue,
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