Airpods Max 的低功耗模式为什么只能在放入耳机套中才能启用?

2021-01-01 23:45:14 +08:00
oulongqi  oulongqi


1228 次点击
所在节点   Apple  Apple
1 条回复
2021-01-02 00:00:52 +08:00

If you set your AirPods Max down and leave them stationary for 5 minutes, they go into a low power mode to preserve battery charge. After 72 stationary hours out of the Smart Case, your AirPods Max go into a lower power mode that turns off Bluetooth and Find My to preserve battery charge further.

If you put your AirPods Max in the Smart Case when you're not using them, they go into a low power mode immediately to preserve battery charge. After 18 hours in the Smart Case, your AirPods Max go into an ultralow power mode that turns off Bluetooth and Find My and maximizes battery life.

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