要不 promisify 一下原生数组?

2021-01-04 17:08:25 +08:00

这样 map 、filter 、reduce 这些方法也可以传递 async 函数了……

import Prray from 'prray'

// 1) create
const urls = Prray.from(['www.google.com', 'npmjs.org'])

// 2) async method
const responses = await urls.mapAsync(fetch)

// 3) method chaining with both normal and async methods
await urls
  .concat(['github.com', 'wikipedia.org'])

// 4) concurrency limit
const responses = await urls.mapAsync(fetch, { concurrency: 10 })

工具包的文档和路径: https://github.com/Bin-Huang/prray

1867 次点击
所在节点    JavaScript
2 条回复
2021-01-04 17:15:18 +08:00
看到了 rxjs 的影子
2021-01-04 18:24:39 +08:00

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