Ubiquiti 服务器被入侵,对就是做 ubnt 路由器的那家。

2021-01-12 09:08:10 +08:00

醒来发现 unify 发来一封邮件。。大家怎么看

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7 条回复
2021-01-12 09:27:53 +08:00
一直没启用 remote access
2021-01-12 09:42:11 +08:00

We recently became aware of unauthorized access to certain of our information technology systems hosted by a third party cloud provider. We have no indication that there has been unauthorized activity with respect to any user’s account.

We are not currently aware of evidence of access to any databases that host user data, but we cannot be certain that user data has not been exposed. This data may include your name, email address, and the one-way encrypted password to your account (in technical terms, the passwords are hashed and salted). The data may also include your address and phone number if you have provided that to us.

As a precaution, we encourage you to change your password. We recommend that you also change your password on any website where you use the same user ID or password. Finally, we recommend that you enable two-factor authentication on your Ubiquiti accounts if you have not already done so.
2021-01-12 11:13:43 +08:00
我一直就没搞懂 remote access 怎么启用
2021-01-12 11:15:45 +08:00
2021-01-12 11:27:26 +08:00
原来 remote access 要 controller 启动才行,平时根本就不启动,没啥影响。
2021-01-12 11:29:01 +08:00
@leavic #5 你是配置完 ap 就把 ac 停用了吗
2021-01-12 11:45:13 +08:00
@Vogan 软 ac 啊,我没事开着干啥。

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