本人是后端开发,oracle 也只是了解一些.问的可能也不专业,大家见谅.
现在公司让我新建一个用户 用于 SAP LT Replication Server hana 数据库来扒 oracle 的数据.
官方文档的要求 一共有: • Select from the specific table • Create a table in the given schema (in order to successfully create the logging table) • Create sequence which can be used as a unique identifier in the logging table • Select from the logging table • Delete the logging table • Create database triggers for the specific table • Delete the database triggers • Create synonyms and views for the specific table • Delete the synonyms and the views
我有个 dba 的账户 aa, 新建了一个账号:bb 上面的权限都给了后 测试 后台提示 “Failed to drop triggers for table”.
请问 drop triggers 的权限怎么赋. 可以让 bb 操作 aa 下 新建的触发器.
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