MacOS BigSur 为什么还是不能看 Netflix 4k?

2021-02-07 10:11:56 +08:00

电脑是 MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019),OS 以及升级到 11.2 (20D64),Safari 版本 14.0.3,也尝试修改浏览器 User Agent 为网上建议的 OS 11.0,但都不管用,看 test pattern 还是 1080p. 家里网速是没问题的,用 ChromeCast Ultral 可以打开 4k 内容。


2063 次点击
所在节点    Netflix
5 条回复
2021-02-07 14:51:16 +08:00
我也一样,苦恼着,不知道是不是关闭 SIP 的缘故
2021-02-07 14:52:11 +08:00
重置 SMC 、NVRAM 、PRAM 有试过吗?
2021-02-07 15:35:08 +08:00

To stream in Ultra HD, you will need:

A Mac computer with macOS 11.0 Big Sur installed.

The latest version of Safari browser

Select 2018 or later Mac computer with an Apple T2 Security chip

A 60Hz 4K capable display (with HDCP 2.2 connection if external display).

NOTE: Every monitor connected to your computer must meet these requirements to successfully stream in Ultra HD.
A Netflix plan that supports streaming in Ultra HD.

A steady internet connection speed of 25 megabits per second or higher.

Streaming quality set to Auto or High.

NOTE: 4K Ultra HD support for macOS 11.0 Big Sur is currently in development may not be available at all times.
2021-02-07 17:30:58 +08:00
@Kanye 没有试过,因为电脑平时深度使用,装了很多东西,重装不方便啊
2021-02-07 17:31:39 +08:00
@Wao 除了最后一句模棱两可的要求,其他显性的要求都满足啊。

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