请教 Qt 中两个 QString 用%连接是什么意思呢?

2021-02-24 20:36:35 +08:00

在编译 Log4Qt 时报错:

.\log4qt\dailyfileappender.cpp:109: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('QString' and 'QString')


const QRegularExpression creationDateExtractor(
                fi.baseName() % QStringLiteral("(.*)") % QStringLiteral(".") % fi.completeSuffix());


QString DailyFileAppender::appendDateToFilename() const
    QFileInfo fi(mOriginalFilename);
    return fi.absolutePath() % QStringLiteral("/") % fi.baseName() %  mLastDate.toString(mDatePattern) % QStringLiteral(".") % fi.completeSuffix();

Qt 半路出家,不是太熟悉,谢谢大家了!

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2021-02-24 20:57:44 +08:00
QStringBuilder uses expression templates and reimplements the '%' operator so that when you use '%' for string concatenation instead of '+', multiple substring concatenations will be postponed until the final result is about to be assigned to a QString. At this point, the amount of memory required for the final result is known. The memory allocator is then called once to get the required space, and the substrings are copied into it one by one.


2021-02-24 21:26:02 +08:00
@xfcy #1 学习了,谢谢

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