#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* unsigned long to string */
char * ultostr(unsigned long value, char * ptr, int base);
int main(void)
char var[] = "0A84010000000301";
unsigned long value = strtoul(var, NULL, 16);
printf("value is %lu\n\n", value);
char * str;
ultostr(value, str, 16);
printf("Received '%s'\n\n", str);
return 0;
/* unsigned long to string */
char* ultostr(unsigned long value, char* ptr, int base)
unsigned long t = 0, res = 0;
unsigned long tmp = value;
int count = 0;
if (NULL == ptr)
return NULL;
if (tmp == 0)
while (tmp > 0)
tmp = tmp / base;
ptr += count;
*ptr = '\0';
res = value - base * (t = value / base);
if (res < 10)
*--ptr = '0' + res;
else if ((res >= 10) && (res < 16))
*--ptr = 'A' - 10 + res;
} while ((value = t) != 0);
VS2019 提示使用了未初始化的局部变量 str,但是 gcc 编译就没出问题,gcc 是 8.3.0
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