[上海] 硅谷高科技 IOT 公司 Proxy 招后端工程师 25-50k+ 高级商业医疗保险 补充公积金 15 天年假 圣诞假 生日假 大部分时间可 WFH

2021-03-08 18:08:51 +08:00
Proxy 公司 2017 年在美国硅⾕成⽴, 致⼒于⽤科技颠覆传统体验,让⽣活和⼯作变得更简单便 捷。公司主要投资⽅包括凯鹏华盈、Y-combinator 等国际顶级⻛险投资机构。
Proxy 从成⽴⾄今不断推出新产品、打开新场景,⽬前的⻔禁与智慧办公产品已经在为包括 WeWork 在内的众多全球化公司服务。
crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/martians#section-overview
中国团队成员背景:Airbnb, Paypal, Apple, eBay, hulu, booking, iherb....
Office 地址:黄浦区中海国际(马当路地铁站,新天地旁)

福利:高端商业保险( 5k 美金),补充公积金(还房贷利器),15+10 天年假 + 圣诞假期 + 生日假期

Software Engineer
at Proxy China
Why we exist...
At Proxy, we believe that humans should be empowered, rather than beholden, to technology, and that technology should be used to make our experiences in the world frictionless. Our vision is to live in a world where the technology and services we use can securely recognize our physical presence and seamlessly provide us with an experience personalized to our individual needs and preferences. Most importantly - The ability to do this with complete control of your personal data and privacy.

The Role
As a software engineer, you will be responsible for building the connector between Proxy platform and the rest of systems in the world that will be ultimately Proxified. You will lead integration initiatives, build connectors from ground up.

At Proxy you will
● Work with Unix based/inspired environments (Linux, BSD, OSX etc.), and developing large software systems.
● Design technical architecture for Proxy connector.
● Define and build the API for Proxy connector.
● Build tools to help improve security, speed, and user engagement
● Collaborate with peers to write, review, and provide feedback on code.
Who you are
● You are passionate about technology, you take pride in what you build
● You are autonomous and self driven
● You enjoy seeing your work influencing the physical world
● You love DIY, conquering problems hands on with your unique perspective, even without instructions.

Technical and Professional Experience
● 3~8 years of backend engineering experience
● Proficient in python or javascript or typescript
● You can discuss technical problems in English (e.g. explaining how binary search works to your colleague)
● Familiar with common server side tech stack: HTTP/S, REST, Relational DB, NoSql DB, Container, caching systems, queues, Cloud infra(AWS is plus), API testing, CI-CD, etc
● Have basic knowledge with Linux system: shell scripts, basic network utils(curl, ping, traceroute), etc
● Have basic networking knowledge: DHCP, DNS, TCP/IP, etc

Bonus Points
● Experience with cloud infrastructure & services (AWS / Google Cloud / Azure )
● Experience in the IoT industry
● Experience with IoT products and bluetooth technologies.
● Experience working in a startup
● TCP Socket programming experience

1868 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
2021-03-09 09:28:49 +08:00
2021-03-09 10:06:06 +08:00
2021-03-09 10:06:56 +08:00
@TuringGunner 多轮线上一轮现场,需要英文简历的
2021-03-09 12:35:08 +08:00
@matthewye0724 是需要英语口语交流吗,还是书面上?
2021-03-09 14:14:51 +08:00
@hqlyz 需要英文口语交流
2021-08-30 14:16:23 +08:00

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