ffmpeg 运行“ffmpeg -i video.flv video.mp4 出现了如下报错.

2021-03-10 20:18:33 +08:00

[hevc @ 000001d65190c2c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2147483648 > 2937). [hevc @ 000001d65190c2c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units. Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input [hevc @ 000001d65190c740] Invalid NAL unit size (-2147483648 > 827). [hevc @ 000001d65190c740] Error splitting the input into NAL units. Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input [hevc @ 000001d65190cc00] Invalid NAL unit size (-2147483648 > 224). [hevc @ 000001d65190cc00] Error splitting the input into NAL units. [hevc @ 000001d65190b9c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2147483648 > 154). [hevc @ 000001d65190b9c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units. Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input Too many packets buffered for output stream 0:1.

报错消息如上.求指点。OwO 多谢各位大佬了。OwO

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2 条回复
2021-03-10 20:37:45 +08:00
可能是文件问题,先确认 video.flv 文件完整。然后试试这个

ffmpeg -i video.flv -c copy video.mp4
2021-03-11 21:46:17 +08:00
@eason1874 #1 好的,感谢。OwO

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