为什么没有人讨论归还 DTK 吗?我这边已经收到返还的金额了,买点什么好呢?

2021-03-19 16:30:08 +08:00

Thank you for returning the DTK. In appreciation of your participation in the Universal App Quick Start Program and to help with your continued development of Universal apps, we’d like to provide you with a one-time-use promo code for RMB 3231 toward the purchase of a new M1 Mac or other Apple products** ordered through the Apple Store Online.

3261 次点击
所在节点    Apple
22 条回复
2021-03-22 18:29:26 +08:00
@fa 那就凉凉,我已经下单 mac mini 了
2021-03-23 14:42:54 +08:00
@lscho 刚得到解决,想退也行,开发者网站上发邮件反馈问题,会重新生成一个优惠券给你。就是比较慢,要等好几天

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