definitely a basic position in Beijing according to its salary and description. And as it states work overtime and 24 hours on call, It's not worth, and I don't recommend it.
2021-03-24 15:36:20 +08:00
definitely a basic position in Beijing according to its salary and description. And as it states work overtime and 24 hours on call, It's not worth, and I don't recommend it.
2021-03-24 15:39:09 +08:00
全栈+运维+99 大小周+24 小时待命+北京,就这最高才 28k ?
2021-03-24 15:41:15 +08:00
这个我怎么看感觉都是上一任跑路了代码无人接管,进去发现一堆 shi 山代码,经常出问题,周末一个电话让你修 BUG