突然看到阿里云的 accessKey 泄漏邮件才发现自己不小心把 key 传到 github 上了,
赶紧从床上爬起来开电脑准备删文件,第一反应就是用 filter-branch 彻底删除历史中的这个文件,强制推送覆盖 github 上的版本,
git filter-branch --force --index-filter \
"git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch PATH-TO-YOUR-FILE-WITH-SENSITIVE-DATA" \
--prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
但是,但是从阿里云给的泄漏地址打开居然还能打开泄漏 key 的文件,
仔细一看阿里云打开的是特定版本的文件,哪怕这个版本已经不在最终仓库里了,github 还是能打开的,
也就是说光自己删除数据是没用的,这看起来是 github 缓存已经删除了的 commit,
于是找到 github 官方文档,
其中第 8 点明确说了要联系 GitHub 支持删除缓存之类,
赶紧设置成 private 仓库,然后睡觉去了,
第二天起来发支持工单,让 github 帮忙删除,
04.18 11:39
Removing sensitive data from a repository
I submitted sensitive data to these two commits,
https://github.com/AoEiuV020/LetsEncryptManualHook/tree/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://github.com/AoEiuV020/LetsEncryptManualHook/tree/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I found that I cannot delete them completely,I have used filter-branch to completely delete sensitive data and force push, But these two commits can still be accessed, Please help me to delete these two commits completely,
04.18 22:19
Hi 啊 o 额 iu 鱼,
Thank you for contacting GitHub Support!
I have gone ahead and cleared the cache for you.
Please let me know what else I can assist with!
至此才完成彻底删除 github 上的敏感数据,光等工单就等了十个半小时,
大家要是有删除过 github 上的却没有发工单的可以试一下删除了的 commit 还能不能打开的,
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