苹果 marketing chief 表示不打算整合 iPad 和 MacBook

2021-04-23 09:04:10 +08:00

不让给链接,原文是 macrumors 网站上的。

"There's two conflicting stories people like to tell about the iPad and Mac," says Joz, as he starts on a clarification that will lead him at one point to apologise for his passion. "On the one hand, people say that they are in conflict with each other. That somebody has to decide whether they want a Mac, or they want an iPad.

"Or people say that we're merging them into one: that there's really this grand conspiracy we have, to eliminate the two categories and make them one. And the reality is neither is true. We're quite proud of the fact that we work really, really hard to create the best products in their respective category."

第二段大概意思:“有人说苹果在把 ipad 和 macbook 整合成一个产品,取消两种产品然后变成一种产品,这是一个坊间非常流行的猜测。事实是这不是真的,我们可以非常自豪地讲:我们目前在非常努力地去让不同的产品在各自的领域上变得最好”

没了没了,m1 给 ipad pro 就是让 ipad pro 变成更牛逼的 ipad pro 而不是变成一个 mac 。我的 2018 ipad pro 估计能再战五年了,m1 mba 也再战五年吧 lol 。

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所在节点    Apple
81 条回复
2022-06-07 02:58:20 +08:00
@INFP 409 天了,M1 iPad Pro 终于实现了自己的价值

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