[FinTech 社区] 区块链招聘:区块链工程师/Scrum Coach

2021-04-29 08:45:38 +08:00
FinTech 社区是一个拥有 50,000+ 会员的金融科技社群,旨在为金融科技行业赋能,致力于金融科技行业资源共享社群。我们目前有机器学习群,技术群,量化群,校招群,数据开发群等等。

简历邮件: career@fintechgl.com

微信公众号:FinTech 社区



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[FinTech 社区] 区块链招聘:区块链工程师 /Scrum Coach-新加坡

大家好,我是 Lucy@FinTech 社区,今天招聘职位是 Scrum Coach / Manager,Blockchain Engineer 。欢迎加入 FinTech 社区,提认知,攒人脉,求职招聘,投资有术!


地点:新加坡 可办签证



一、招聘:Scrum Coach / Manager

关键词:大型互联网公司,Scrum, kanban, XP

Responsible for the company's Scrum transformation, including team formation, Scrum Master training and coaching, and even serving as the Scrum Master of some teams.
Responsible for organizational efficiency improvement: establish efficiency indicators, analyze team work methods, processes or management issues and promote improvements, and ultimately improve efficiency indicators, to achieve delivery capabilities and delivery value enhancement.

More than 5 years of work experience, of which more than 3 years of large Internet companies leading the team to successfully implement agile transformation.
Familiar with the software development process of continuous delivery in the Internet environment, proficient in Scrum, kanban, XP and other agile development frameworks, master Lean thought.

二、招聘:Blockchain Engineer

关键词:区块链开发工程师,blockchain and DApp development

Participate in the design and development of the company's blockchain project.
Participate in the innovation and research and development of DeFi projects.
Participate in research and survey of blockchain forward-looking projects and fields.

2 years or more of blockchain and DApp development experience.
Have research and understanding of basic public chain projects (bitcoin/ethereum/cosmos) etc.
Familiar with Ethereum smart contract solidity and its development framework, nodejs.
Familiar with the principles of various applications in the DeFi industry, full of interest and exploration spirit in the industry.

简历邮箱: career@fintechgl.com
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