我在 chrome web store 上发布了一个插件,目前自然下载量 5000 多,一直有人发 gmail 给我要买我插件
Joshua Morin <joshua@apps
5 月 1 日周六 上午 10:19 (6 天前)
发送至 我
My name is Joshua and I am reaching to you in regards to your extension that I found on the chrome store.
Currently we are looking to purchase your extension if you were to consider selling it, we can give you a good and honest evaluation at the market price.
If this is something you would be interested in, I would be glad to schedule a call to discuss the details with you.
Also if you are not looking to sell your extension alternatively we can discuss monetization opportunities and increase your earnings.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards
Joshua Morin