[内推][深圳北京] 音频算法工程师!美资外企坐标深圳福田,福利待遇好严格 965 不加班

2021-06-02 13:39:13 +08:00
erlangshanxia  erlangshanxia

公司介绍:(因为内推对我有好处,公司名字就不放了哈 谅解,加我私聊)

美资外企,音视频领域技术、专利的顶尖公司,国内办公室主要在北京和深圳, 深圳办公室在平安金融中心高层,俯瞰深圳,视野非常好!


  1. Knowledge of audio and speech quality measurement, including subjective and objective model.

  2. Knowledge of digital signal processing technologies to resolve audio, music or voice problems in sound production or reproduction phases, i.e.,

    • Basic DSP techniques such as IIR and FIR filtering

    • Transforms such as FFT, MDCT and CQMF

    • Non-linear audio processing functions, including limiters and compressors

    • Noise reduction, echo cancellation and beam forming

  3. Highly skilled in C/C++ programming language

  4. Independent, self-motivated person requiring minimal supervision

  5. Complex problem solving skills

  6. Fluent in Chinese and English and good written and verbal communication skills

  7. Team-oriented work ethic and interest to work in cross-continental teams

  8. Good understanding of software development process


  1. 薪资方面具体不清楚,我帮你内推,你可以和 hr 去谈,应该市行业中等偏上
  2. 入职就有 RSU,所以总包水平还不错,比不上同等的腾讯之类的,但应该也是比较高!
  3. 可以参与员工持股计划,月供的的 10%以用 85 折来购买公司股票。
  4. 外企标准的超长年假! 15+起步
  5. 工作设备 mac 和 thinkpad 任选,都是顶配! 4 k 显示器 etc.. 因为是 qa,所以能接触到一些新款的 pc,tv,手机之类的。
  6. 同事都很 nice !


wechat base64: eGlhb3hpb25neGlvbmdfMg==

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所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
2 条回复
2021-06-14 19:53:14 +08:00
105 天前

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