szzhiyang 谢谢大佬,找到方案了
The solution provided by @
Under A Tree seems to not work in Windows 10 Version 20H2. Here is an alternative solution.
Install ResourceHacker
Take control of your C:\Windows\SystemResources\imageres.dll.mun file. This can be done by opening CMD then inputting these commands
cd C:\Windows\SystemResources
takeown /f "%cd%" /r /d y
icacls "%cd%" /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)F /t /q
Make a copy of your C:\Windows\SystemResources\imageres.dll.mun file
create or download a transparent icon
open ResourceHacker and the C:\Windows\SystemResources\imageres.dll.mun file
click on Click on Icon Group
find 5100:1033
Select the icon and click control + r
Select the transparent icon
Use control + s to save