感觉是 contextvars 这个包的问题
from contextvars import ContextVar
if "gevent" in sys.modules or "eventlet" in sys.modules:
# Both use greenlet, so first check it has patched
# ContextVars, Greenlet <0.4.17 does not.
import greenlet
greenlet_patched = getattr(greenlet, "GREENLET_USE_CONTEXT_VARS", False)
if not greenlet_patched:
# If Gevent is used, check it has patched ContextVars,
# <20.5 does not.
from gevent.monkey import is_object_patched
except ImportError:
# Gevent isn't used, but Greenlet is and hasn't patched
raise _CannotUseContextVar()
if is_object_patched("threading", "local") and not is_object_patched(
"contextvars", "ContextVar"
raise _CannotUseContextVar()
except (ImportError, _CannotUseContextVar):
class ContextVar: # type: ignore
"""A fake ContextVar based on the previous greenlet/threading
ident function. Used on Python 3.6, eventlet, and old versions
of gevent.
def __init__(self, _name: str) -> None:
self.storage: t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = {}
def get(self, default: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
return self.storage.get(_get_ident(), default)
def set(self, value: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None:
self.storage[_get_ident()] = value