一直在用 ,感觉这几年增加的功能很多越做越好了,自己的项目不是开源的话基本首选 GitLab 了。
Q. When will JiHu be ready to support new customers?
JiHu is currently setting up infrastructure to transition existing licenses and to start onboarding new customers. It should be ready to receive new self-managed customers by 2021-05-31 and new SaaS customers by 2021-07-31.
Q. What is GitLab Inc.’s involvement in JiHu?
GitLab Inc. has licensed its technology and brand to JiHu solely to serve customers in China, Macau, and Hong Kong. JiHu will provide a specific Chinese distribution of GitLab’s DevOps platform - available as both a self-managed and SaaS offering ( - that is constantly updated, has readily accessible features, and tailored software for Chinese companies. JiHu’s SaaS service ( and GitLab Inc.’s SaaS service ( will share no common infrastructure, networking connectivity, systems, services, data, or resources.
To ensure the new company is set up for success, GitLab Inc. has provided initial engineering, marketing, and business support to JiHu as the company gets ready to launch.
While GitLab Inc. is the inspiration for JiHu, it is an independent company and can adjust for the local market as it sees fit.
定价结构估计会和 类似
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