Spotify cpu resource fatal

2021-06-23 11:12:54 +08:00

由于之前的 /t/783604 换到了 Spotify

最近两天放音乐老是自动退出,日志显示长时间占用 cpu,有没有什么解决办法呢?

已经重装过 app 了


日志文件: GDrive


{"app_name":"Spotify","timestamp":"2021-06-23 07:13:24.00 +0800","app_version":"8.6.30","slice_uuid":"80B3357F-8104-3960-9480-4DDB3E8FB481","adam_id":324684580,"build_version":"863000968","bundleID":"com.spotify.client","share_with_app_devs":1,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"206","os_version":"iPhone OS 14.6 (18F72)","incident_id":"F1BCE417-CA8E-48C2-881B-0A87B8641898","name":"Spotify"}
Date/Time:        2021-06-23 07:12:34.565 +0800
End time:         2021-06-23 07:13:24.422 +0800
OS Version:       iPhone OS 14.6 (Build 18F72)
Architecture:     arm64
Report Version:   32
Incident Identifier: F1BCE417-CA8E-48C2-881B-0A87B8641898
Share With Devs:  Yes

Data Source:      Microstackshots
Shared Cache:     68C5E2B2-53D6-3BCB-8054-88ACC5854DCE slid base address 0x187b20000, slide 0x7b20000

Command:          Spotify
Path:             /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F0345882-4258-4645-B860-C3783F0DF273/
Version:          ??? (???)
PID:              1484

Event:            cpu usage
Action taken:     Process killed
CPU:              48 seconds cpu time over 50 seconds (96% cpu average), exceeding limit of 80% cpu over 60 seconds
CPU limit:        48s
Limit duration:   60s
CPU used:         48s
CPU duration:     50s
Duration:         49.86s
Duration Sampled: 42.54s
Steps:            21

Hardware model:   iPhone9,1
Active cpus:      2
861 次点击
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