内推+实习| AI 辅助药物研发 | 风口行业 + 准独角兽|后端、前端、算法等

2021-07-01 10:15:36 +08:00
长期招聘:Java 后端 数仓开发 前端开发 算法工程师 等等
公司:望石智慧( 2018 年成立,北京海淀黄庄)目前正处于风口行业 业务:ai 辅助药物研发 公司不大 70 人(大部分都是硕士) 去年融资 5 轮 最近 B 轮和 B+融资金额一亿美金
工资与福利超好,讲究快乐和高效,不鼓励无意义的加班 没有 996

内推邮箱 xurongfei@stonewise.cn (全程面试辅导支持)
1219 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2021-07-01 10:20:06 +08:00
上海办公室招 CADD 药化研究员 BD 等岗位

波士顿、上海、北京 招 Director of Innovation Strategy Planning (创新中心总监 /副总监)
Job Title 1: Director of Innovation Strategy Planning (创新中心总监 /副总监)
Location: Boston/Shanghai/Beijing
As a fast growing startup at the intersection of biotech and technology, our needs will change over time, but today, we need a strategic mind to:
• Help center leadership to build and lead Innovation strategy planning, including but not limited to map out innovative technology development trend, strategic alliance management, budget-oriented technology execution plan, etc.
• Work closely with leadership team to develop, implement, and execute a strategy blueprint
• Build, track, and maintain a strong innovation technology development funnel of opportunities
• Forge effective working relationships within center’s development teams, AI-technology platform and drug discovery programs
• Diversify innovation center’s business model, and establish our center as a technology innovation powerhouse which serves as the engine for continued growth
• Create and maintains dashboard of innovation partnership activities for senior leadership.
• Manage all internal activities to ensure successful progression and completion of innovation projects.
• The successful candidate must be able to understand the significance of these innovations from a strategic perspective as well as help bring them to well-written and presentable format
• The successful candidate must create presentations and materials to facilitate partnering discussion

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