所以, Onedrive 居然也扫描用户上传的文件?

2021-07-02 19:10:43 +08:00


后续:备份了大概 20G 文件,直接收到微软邮件:

Microsoft 365 has industry-leading data protection technology which looks out for cyber attacks on your files. Your OneDrive account recently started showing signs of suspicious activity. We found 2157 files that appear to be compromised by a ransomware attack. 
Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to your files until you pay money. 
Visit OneDrive.com within 30 days of the attack to: 
•	Review suspicious files and confirm they have been compromised
•	Remove ransomware from your devices
•	Restore your files on OneDrive
You can restore your files on OneDrive for only 30 days after they were compromised. If you don't restore the compromised files within 30 days from the ransomware attack, the files won't be recoverable. 

我 review 了一次,又备份了大概 100 个小文件,又收到了一样的邮件。

所以至少说明 OneDrive 其实隐私也不行,也一样会扫描你上传的文件,而且没办法关闭。

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22 条回复
2021-07-03 23:10:47 +08:00
@yfugibr 所以,很想知道在中国国内使用 onedrive,数据是存储在国内还是国外的微软服务器上?
2021-07-04 01:00:09 +08:00
@whrssl #21 我的裸连速度很慢,只能认为是国外,世纪互联的数据好像是在国内

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