模拟 GIWIGI 客户端认证过程

2021-07-10 21:12:27 +08:00


模拟 giwifi 客户端的登录验证过程,仅用于学术交流。

分别使用 python 和 Golang 实现了 GIWIFI 客户端的认证过程,使用时需要先用抓包工具抓取一下 giwi 认证过程中的流量信息,在代码中填入对应的信息即可。

GitHub: https://github.com/Pililink/GIWIFI-demo-Login

有问题可以提 issues

1737 次点击
所在节点    Python
2 条回复
2021-07-10 22:34:49 +08:00
嘿嘿 我早做全所有登陆方式(桌面和移动的客户端都实现了, 还实现破某些限制)了...giwifi-gear (现在我闭源了, 建议不要宣传!!! 怕他们改了又的重来... 懒得重新分析了)

甚至做了个半成品的 luci-app 方便路由器使用...


$ ./xxxxxx-gear -h
A cli tool for login giwifi by cloud auth mode (multi-platform, fast, small)
xxxxxx-gear [-h] [-g <GATEWAY>] [-u <USERNAME>] [-p <PASSWORD>] [-t <TYPE>] [-T <TOKEN>] [-i <IFACE>] [-e <EXTRA_IFACE>] [-q] [-b] [-d] [-l] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
-g <GATEWAY> set the gateway
-u <USERNAME> set the username
-p <PASSWORD> set the password
-i <IFACE> set the interface by name or ip
-e <EXTRA_IFACE> set the extra interface (-e vwan1 -e vwan2)
-t <TYPE> auth type (pc/pad/staff for web auth, android/ios/windows/mac/apad/ipad for app auth, token for directly auth by token, and default value is pc)
-T <TOKEN> set the token (need to use -t token)
-b bind or rebind your device
-q sign out of account authentication
-d running in the daemon mode (remove sharing restrictions)
-l print the log info
-v show the tool version and exit
(c) 2021 icepie.dev@gmail.com

2021-10-16 23:10:48 +08:00

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