[内推][深圳北京][杜比实验室 Dolby] 安卓 Framework 开发工程师!美资外企福利待遇好,严格 965 不加班,不想再卷的朋友看过来!

2021-07-29 21:44:36 +08:00

这个岗位设在深圳,但是如果有现在在北京的朋友,未来打算 relocation 到深圳,也欢迎找我内推!

公司是杜比实验室,就是近年来音视频领域很火的那个。外企,国内办公室主要在北京和深圳, 深圳办公室在平安金融中心高层,俯瞰深圳,视野非常好!


微信 base64: eGlhb3hpb25neGlvbmdfMg==

下面是 JD,我就不翻译了!

Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering.

5+ years’ development experience in mobile/tablet area (C/C++/Java).

Solid and strong embedded experience of development/debugging on mobile devices.

Experience in multimedia framework e.g. Stragefight/Nuplayer on Android and an understanding the underlying technologies (e.g. codecs, streaming) is a strong plus.

Experience in ExoPlayer is a plus.

Experience in app developing on Android or iOS is a plus.

Experience in Qualcomm audio DSP developing is a plus.

Strong object oriented software design skills.

High level written and verbal communication in both general and technology-specific applications.

Comfortable with fast-paced scrum agile development cycle, multiple projects parallel working environment, willing to shift project priority and commitment.

Results-oriented with a passion to learn new technologies.

1706 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
2021-07-30 21:43:11 +08:00
2021-08-02 12:36:58 +08:00
@beyondhan 因为我也不知道,但应该还不差
2021-08-25 15:46:23 +08:00
2021-08-26 17:38:59 +08:00
@jasonchen14 base64 解码就行了

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