[远程][北美,西欧,中东] Red Hat Openshift 后端工程师招聘

2021-08-04 15:32:53 +08:00

红帽子招聘后端工程师,在 Openshift Monitoring 组,需要 Golang,Prometheus,Kubenetes 相关技能,最好 3 年以上经验。 工作语言为英语。组内有二十多人,气氛友善融洽,工作时间灵活,待遇优厚。

由于时区限制,工作地点面向北美 NA,西欧,非洲,中东 EMEA 地区。

若敢兴趣可发简历至 nanakee@outlook.fr 或者 直接在下方链接投递简历。

Openshift 项目相关链接: https://github.com/openshift https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/cloud-computing/openshift

Job summary

The Red Hat Engineering team is looking for an experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our Prometheus Monitoring team in Madrid, Spain. In this role, you’ll work side by side with influential experts in the field on Prometheus, the leading monitoring solution for Kubernetes. You will work on open source feature development, automation of Prometheus, telemetry systems, and integration with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for cluster and application monitoring.

Primary job responsibilities

Contribute to high-profile strategic open source projects including Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, and Thanos Implement Kubernetes Operators that manage and update cluster monitoring software Implement meaningful Red Hat OpenShift COntainer Platform monitoring metrics and alerts Implement solutions to various monitoring related problems Cooperate with other engineering teams on monitoring integration Cooperate within the Kubernetes and Prometheus communities Contribute to large-scale hosted telemetry services Help maintain various open source projects Inspire key technical decisions for the overall product

Required skills

3+ years of software engineering experience 1+ years of experience with the Go language, runtime, and tools Experience building infrastructure or cloud software Experience building and consuming APIs Development experience with Kubernetes and containers Basic knowledge in the domain of application monitoring Solid communication skills in English

The following are considered a plus:

Experience with distributed systems Experience being an open source maintainer Experience building telemetry systems


2205 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
8 条回复
2021-08-04 16:37:27 +08:00
2021-08-04 17:50:13 +08:00
2021-08-05 01:15:46 +08:00
2021-08-05 15:44:04 +08:00
@hecz 正常工作交流,写文档就行,闲的时候再唠唠嗑。 不要求有证明水平的证件。组长希望新人在北美,西欧,中东的时区,方便安排会议协调工作。
比如这个是组里的架构师在讲演,波兰人,他面试新人: <amp-youtube data-videoid="qQN0N14HXPM" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270"></amp-youtube>这个是组里的技术骨干,法国人,也面试新人: <amp-youtube data-videoid="VgsM8pOyN5s" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270"></amp-youtube>文档就是类似于这种的: https://prometheus-operator.dev/docs/prologue/introduction/
2021-08-06 17:23:06 +08:00
@SIGEV13 看了一下是北欧,中东的呀,那可能在这个区里不太合适,这个区基本都是中国的
2021-08-06 17:42:06 +08:00
@hecz 谢谢老哥提醒,应该放哪个区比较好呀?
2021-08-06 18:19:50 +08:00
@SIGEV13 可以考虑去一亩三分地发
2021-08-06 21:51:04 +08:00
@hecz 好的,多谢 😉

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