iptables 大佬来问了问题

2021-08-07 10:08:52 +08:00


Transparent proxying often involves "intercepting" traffic on a router. This is usually done with the iptables REDIRECT target; however, there are serious limitations of that method. One of the major issues is that it actually modifies the packets to change the destination address -- which might not be acceptable in certain situations. (Think of proxying UDP for example: you won't be able to find out the original destination address. Even in case of TCP getting the original destination address is racy.)

在一些透明代理的资料,上面这段话中的加粗部分如何理解? UDP 无法知道原始的 dst address ?

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2 条回复
2021-08-07 10:19:50 +08:00
2021-08-07 15:31:57 +08:00
@undef404 UDP 代理跟 TP 代理有区别么?如果没有,这里为什么单独拿 UDP 出来说事?

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