[上海-浦东-世纪大道] [内推] Autodesk 欧特全职招聘研发 C++ (第一批 offer 已发,这次主要招聘 C++)

2021-08-20 09:22:53 +08:00
imblues  imblues

https://www.v2ex.com/t/789976 ( c++/ Java /NodeJS/Javascript/UX )

上面是之前发的职位,目前还有少量 hc,有兴趣的可以继续投简历。

公司是典型的美资外企,氛围很好,同事之间关系简单,平时工作时间 955,疫情期间还有很多同事仍在家办公。

如果注重 work life balance,相信 Autodesk 不会让你失望。

简历请发邮箱:MTIxNDQ0MzI4QHFxLmNvbQ== QQ: MTIxNDQ0MzI4

分割线以下是是职位信息,有具体问题请 QQ (注明:v2ex )或者站内

这次招聘主要是 C++职位 (8 headcount, 新团队, 工作 955, 职位从初级到资深都有, 薪资 30-80,性价比还是非常可以的)

还有一个架构师职位(薪资 100+),只有一个 hc,所以没有列出来,有兴趣找我私聊。

初级 C++职位,不要求 C++经验,但要求主动愿意学习。

贴两个 JD 供参考。

1.Senior Software Engineer, C++

Participate in porting large C++ projects to new operation systems and platforms

Design and implement engineering solutions for reusable software components and APIs

Take ownership of the implementation of components for CI/CD and build systems, with high emphasis on quality and sound software engineering practices Participate in software design reviews, conduct code reviews, and provide input and feedback to other members of the development team

Automate tasks using scripting languages – Shell, Python, Groovy

Minimum Qualifications Relevant experience in the areas of Software Build and Release Engineering

Excellent programming and computer science abilities, strong analytical abilities, and effective communication skills

Strong scripting knowledge using Python and Shell scripts

Decent C++ language knowledge

Experience with Windows, Linux (or MacOS) based software development environments

Strong troubleshooting and critical thinking skills

Ability to learn large software systems quickly

Preferred Qualifications

Exposure to large scale software build, integration, and test environments (C++ based preferable)

Cross-platform C++ coding experience

C++ debugging skills

Experience with Qt based C++ projects

Proficient in Jenkins pipelines (Groovy scripting, PSL)

Experience with Docker

Experience with Cloud platforms AWS, Azure

2.Principal Software Development Enginee


We are looking for people with discipline and who thrive with fewer meetings, fewer constraints, and more freedom to develop their ideas. This requires that you are willing to learn and to test the things you come up with to decide if they are ready (millions of people will use them every day to innovate!).

Every day you can expect to:

Develop high-quality, stable code for use in products and solutions for customers and ensure new code conforms to established coding standards and meets the feature specification

Validate your code and review colleague’s code to ensure patterns, quality and algorithmic efficiency are achieved

Participate in developing test plans, including regression tests, for newly developed software or features, communicate with QA, test what you build

Write and maintain the code so that it can be tested using automatic methods and write and maintain automatic tests as appropriate

Participate in developing new test plans, new strategies, and new debugging / profiling tools & procedures if necessary

Research and analyze existing legacy architecture and software code, making enhancements or resolving defects and improving performance on new HW

Investigate and, if necessary, prototype technologies and algorithms including identify new patterns and new approaches and evangelize them across the team

Utilize software estimation process to estimate time and resources necessary

Think creatively about complex problems that may have been studied for years and discover new and interesting approaches that improve performance

Challenge yourself to learn the latest methods for solving complicated problems and implement them to draw your own conclusions about their use / benefits

Minimum Qualifications

5+ years of experience on large scale software development

Solid C++ programming skill

Very strong problem-solving skill

Demonstrated ability in one of the following areas: computational algorithms or 3D modeling or graphics or performance tuning

8+ years of experience on large scale C++ application development

Excellent knowledge of modern C++ and deep understanding of OOP practice

A demonstrated ability with algorithms, especially in computational geometry

A contemporary understanding of UI/UX workflows and processes is necessary.

Familiarity with 2D/3D graphics is desired

A proficiency in cross platform development (Windows, Linux and Mac etc) is desired

A demonstrated ability with Javascript and HTML is helpful but not essential.

B.S. | M.S. | PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Embedded Systems

1709 次点击
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9 条回复
2021-08-20 10:35:25 +08:00
2021-08-20 10:38:25 +08:00
@xipuxiaoyehua 可以的,目前 c++确实不好招。初级的 c++er 并不要求有经验,但是会对数据结构和算法有一定的考察。
2021-08-20 10:45:23 +08:00
@imblues 初级的薪资大概有多少呢
2021-08-20 11:34:32 +08:00
2021-08-20 11:36:40 +08:00
2021-08-22 22:19:27 +08:00
@xipuxiaoyehua 初级也要看工作年限的,据我所知应届生 20 出头的样子 根据经验可以类推
@cxytz01 @socketpeng 英语没特别要求 除了邮件平时都是中文环境 不过面试会考察一些基本交流 但要求不高 一般情况下能说 能听明白就可以
除了资深和架构师 只要你不在意 公司不会看技术栈的 :)
2021-08-23 13:00:54 +08:00
devops 转可以吗?
2021-08-25 21:27:26 +08:00
@impl 可以 不过我们也有 c++相关 devops 的职位
2021-09-08 10:43:24 +08:00
两周前投递的同学已经有几位拿到 Offer 了
仍有少量职位 感兴趣的请和我联系哈
不要 care 英语 只要觉得自己想躺平 请入坑 哈哈

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