Your Background
To succeed in the role, we see that you have a degree in IT and 5 years or more of working experience within the software engineering industry. The service requires that you have a wide range of skills ranging from practical development to the mentioned skills below.
Knowledge and Skill
Proficiency in ELK ( ElasticSearch,Logstash and Kiabana ) Master in English in both speech and writing
Personal Qualities
As an developer, it is highly important that you have a flexible and solution-oriented approach. You are communicative and strongly driven. Furthermore, you are result-oriented and want to work towards concrete goals to contribute to the team success. We believe you are an analytical team member and well experienced within information presentation. You show a can-do attitude and are not afraid of taking responsibility to solve tricky problems. It is meritorious if you have an interest and experience in new technology.
至少 25 天带薪年假;
️享受等同于瑞典公民的福利,如免费医疗教育,480 天带薪产假病假,照顾生病孩子的假期等;
️Base 斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡、马尔默等主要大城市;
️工作满 4 年可申请绿卡。
如果你的工作合同超过六个月,那么你的所有直系亲属都可以获得工作和居留许可,有效期与你的工作许可一样长。直系亲属指配偶或同居伴侣以及所有未满 21 周岁的未婚子女。当候选人获得永久居留身份以后,直系亲属也同步获得永居身份。原则上,候选人获得工作居留后即可办理家属随行,但是我们通常建议候选人通过了试用期安定下来以后再安排家属随行。 ……
详情请 we 信:八〇九三〇六六九六
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