Does gomoku not support black stone's restricted move?

2011-02-02 20:21:12 +08:00
Just downloaded iweekly and gave gomoku a shot.
I was under the impression that the app should support full rule, that is, certain moves from black is forbidden, without which it's almost certain that black wins.
With such rule, one of the common tactics with white is to force the black to go through those losing moves. And this was what I tried to do and did make the black to form a 3 by 3 rows.
And the game continued... And white, which is myself, was screwed...
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2 条回复
2011-02-02 20:41:46 +08:00
It's Gomoku not Renju.
2011-02-03 05:25:37 +08:00
It will be great if the following variations can be implemented. And with a well designed algorithm that supports a strong computer AI, I would be more than willing to purchase it separately.

“Black was long known to have a big advantage ... a number of variations are played with extra rules that aimed to reduce black's advantage ... The rule of three and three bans a move that simultaneously forms two open rows of three stones"

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