id: 'LY-0002-06',
developers: 'project_developers',
name: 'project_name',
pre_licenses: [ '201959', '201963', '202001' ],
phone_num: '3189828',
address: 'address',
purpose: [ 'useful1', 'useful2', 'useful3' ],
land_source: '出让',
land_area: '38513.48',
land_level: '',
cover_area: '6559.98',
building_area: '77025.49',
PR: '1.999',
GPR: '30%',
building_density: '17.02%',
project_cost: '223610000',
commencement_data: '2019 年 04 月 08 日',
completion_data: '2020 年 09 月 28 日',
construction_unit: 'c_unit',
survey_unit: 's_unit',
approve_sale: {
apartment: { number: '724', area: '71905.13' },
shop: { number: '0', area: '0' },
office: { number: '0', area: '0' },
parking: { number: '618', area: '19488.54' },
other: { number: '0', area: '0' }
selling: {
apartment: { number: '13', area: '1038.96' },
shop: { number: '0', area: '0' },
office: { number: '0', area: '0' },
parking: { number: '30', area: '951.6' },
other: { number: '0', area: '0' }
sold: {
apartment: { number: '711', area: '70866.17' },
shop: { number: '0', area: '0' },
office: { number: '0', area: '0' },
parking: { number: '588', area: '18536.94' },
other: { number: '0', area: '0' }
building: [
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '1', id: '195231' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '2', id: '195232' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '3', id: '195233' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '5', id: '195234' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '6', id: '195295' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '8', id: '195296' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '9', id: '195271' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '10', id: '195272' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '11', id: '195297' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '12', id: '195273' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '13', id: '195298' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '15', id: '195299' },
{ pid: 'LY-0002-06', name: '16', id: '195300' }
目前是使用 mongoose 的 findOneAndUpdate 方法去新增或更新数据,回调函数只能读取到修改前或修改后的整条记录的值。 目前的需求是我希望能够知道每次变更数据时,具体修改了哪个字段该怎么办呢?
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