智能合约开发语言 clarity 中文教程|写一个时间锁钱包

2021-09-16 12:00:36 +08:00

原英文文档: https://book.clarity-lang.org/ch08-01-time-locked-wallet.html



从我们的主 projects 文件夹中,我们创建一个新项目。

clarinet new timelocked-wallet

在 timelocked-wallet 文件夹中,我们使用以下命令创建合约程序文件:

clarinet contract new timelocked-wallet






需要两个数据变量将受益人和解锁高度存储为无符号整数。为合约程序的未初始化状态,我们将使受益人成为可选的主体用户类型。 (也就是说,在合约程序的所有者调用 lock 之前。)

;; Owner
(define-constant contract-owner tx-sender)

;; Errors
(define-constant err-owner-only (err u100))
(define-constant err-already-locked (err u101))
(define-constant err-unlock-in-past (err u102))
(define-constant err-no-value (err u103))
(define-constant err-beneficiary-only (err u104))
(define-constant err-unlock-height-not-reached (err u105))

;; Data
(define-data-var beneficiary (optional principal) none)
(define-data-var unlock-height uint u0)

错误代码本身是组成的。意味着由我们合同程序的前端应用程序处理。只要我们使用 (err ...) 响应类型,我们就确信任何可能的更改都会恢复

执行 lock

lock 函数只不过是将一些代币从 tx-sender 发送到自身并设置两个变量。但是,我们不能忘记检查是否设置了适当的条件。具体来说:


(define-public (lock (new-beneficiary principal) (unlock-at uint) (amount uint))
        (asserts! (is-eq tx-sender contract-owner) err-owner-only)
        (asserts! (is-none (var-get beneficiary)) err-already-locked)
        (asserts! (> unlock-at block-height) err-unlock-in-past)
        (asserts! (> amount u0) err-no-value)
        (try! (stx-transfer? amount tx-sender (as-contract tx-sender)))
        (var-set beneficiary (some new-beneficiary))
        (var-set unlock-height unlock-at)
        (ok true)

请注意,我们如何使用我们之前定义的常量作为断言的抛出值?这允许一些非常清晰的代码。 (as-contract tx-sender) 部分为我们提供了合约程序的主体用户。

执行 bestow 函数

bestow 函数将很简单。它将检查 tx-sender 是否是当前受益人,如果是,则将受益人更新为通过的主体用户。需要记住的一个是主体用户被存储为(optional principal)。 因此,在进行比较之前,我们需要将 tx-sender 包装在 (some ...) 中。

(define-public (bestow (new-beneficiary principal))
        (asserts! (is-eq (some tx-sender) (var-get beneficiary)) err-beneficiary-only)
        (var-set beneficiary (some new-beneficiary))
        (ok true)

执行 claim 函数

最后,claim 函数应该检查 tx-sender 是否是受益人,以及是否已达到解锁高度。

(define-public (claim)
        (asserts! (is-eq (some tx-sender) (var-get beneficiary)) err-beneficiary-only)
        (asserts! (>= block-height (var-get unlock-height)) err-unlock-height-not-reached)
        (as-contract (stx-transfer? (stx-get-balance tx-sender) tx-sender (unwrap-panic (var-get beneficiary))))


是时候进入 clarinet console 来测试合约程序了。

| Contract identifier                                         | Public functions                     |
| ST1HTBVD3JG9C05J7HBJTHGR0GGW7KXW28M5JS8QE.timelocked-wallet | (bestow (new-beneficiary principal)) |
|                                                             | (claim)                              |
|                                                             | (lock                                |
|                                                             |     (new-beneficiary principal)      |
|                                                             |     (unlock-at uint)                 |
|                                                             |     (amount uint))                   |

如果合约程序没有出现,则说明存在错误或语法错误。我们要使用 clarinet check 来追踪它们。

对于第一个测试,钱包将被部署者 (wallet_1) 之后的第一个主体用户锁定。我们可以选择一个非常低的区块高度,因为控制台会话总是从区块高度零开始。控制台交互将钱包锁定到高度 10,初始存款为 100 mSTX:

>> (contract-call? .timelocked-wallet lock 'ST1J4G6RR643BCG8G8SR6M2D9Z9KXT2NJDRK3FBTK u10 u100)
Events emitted

执行有效!我们要密切关注从 tx-sender 到合约程序的 STX 转移事件。可以使用管理命令 ::get_assets_maps 来验证合约程序的余额。

>> ::get_assets_maps
| Address                                                     | STX     |
| ST1HTBVD3JG9C05J7HBJTHGR0GGW7KXW28M5JS8QE (deployer)        | 999900  |
| ST1HTBVD3JG9C05J7HBJTHGR0GGW7KXW28M5JS8QE.timelocked-wallet | 100     |

然后我们假设受益人的身份,看看我们是否可以认领钱包。 (请记住,在这种情况下必须指定完整的合约程序主体用户。)

>> ::set_tx_sender ST1J4G6RR643BCG8G8SR6M2D9Z9KXT2NJDRK3FBTK
tx-sender switched to ST1J4G6RR643BCG8G8SR6M2D9Z9KXT2NJDRK3FBTK
>> (contract-call? 'ST1HTBVD3JG9C05J7HBJTHGR0GGW7KXW28M5JS8QE.timelocked-wallet claim)
(err u105)

尝试声明返回一个(错误 u105 )。这是未达到解锁高度相关的错误值。到现在为止还挺好。

REPL 中的块高度不会自行增加。可以使用 ::advance_chain_tip 模拟挖矿。让我们看看在将区块高度增加 10 后是否可以领取钱包。

>> ::advance_chain_tip 10
10 blocks simulated, new height: 10
>> (contract-call? 'ST1HTBVD3JG9C05J7HBJTHGR0GGW7KXW28M5JS8QE.timelocked-wallet claim)
Events emitted
(ok true)

ok 和 STX 转账事件证明它有效。你还可以检查资产地图以获得良好的衡量标准。



Clarinet 具有内置的 assertion 断言函数,可检查预期的 STX 转账事件是否确实发生。这些将用于保持单元测试简洁。

合约程序的测试文件始终位于 tests 文件夹中。它以合约命名:timelocked-wallet_test.ts 。清除文件,要确保将 import 语句保留在顶部。

测试 lock

我们首先编写涵盖不同 lock 情况的四个测试。

    name: "Allows the contract owner to lock an amount",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const amount = 10;
        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(10), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address)

        // The lock should be successful.
        // There should be a STX transfer of the amount specified.
        block.receipts[0].events.expectSTXTransferEvent(amount, deployer.address, `${deployer.address}.timelocked-wallet`);

    name: "Does not allow anyone else to lock an amount",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const accountA = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_2')!;
        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(10), types.uint(10)], accountA.address)

        // Should return err-owner-only (err u100).

    name: "Cannot lock more than once",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const amount = 10;
        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(10), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address),
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(10), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address)

        // The first lock worked and STX were transferred.
        block.receipts[0].events.expectSTXTransferEvent(amount, deployer.address, `${deployer.address}.timelocked-wallet`);

        // The second lock fails with err-already-locked (err u101).

        // Assert there are no transfer events.
        assertEquals(block.receipts[1].events.length, 0);

    name: "Unlock height cannot be in the past",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const targetBlockHeight = 10;
        const amount = 10;

        // Advance the chain until the unlock height plus one.
        chain.mineEmptyBlockUntil(targetBlockHeight + 1);

        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(targetBlockHeight), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address),

        // The second lock fails with err-unlock-in-past (err u102).

        // Assert there are no transfer events.
        assertEquals(block.receipts[0].events.length, 0);

测试 bestow

bestow 是一个简单的函数,允许受益人转让认领权。因此,我们必须确保只有受益人才能成功调用 bestow 。

    name: "Allows the beneficiary to bestow the right to claim to someone else",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const newBeneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_2')!;
        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(10), types.uint(10)], deployer.address),
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'bestow', [types.principal(newBeneficiary.address)], beneficiary.address)

        // Both results are (ok true).
        block.receipts.map(({ result }) => result.expectOk().expectBool(true));

    name: "Does not allow anyone else to bestow the right to claim to someone else (not even the contract owner)",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const accountA = accounts.get('wallet_3')!;
        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(10), types.uint(10)], deployer.address),
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'bestow', [types.principal(deployer.address)], deployer.address),
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'bestow', [types.principal(accountA.address)], accountA.address)

        // All but the first call fails with err-beneficiary-only (err u104).
        block.receipts.slice(1).map(({ result }) => result.expectErr().expectUint(104));

测试 claim

对于 claim,我们会测试是否达到解锁高度的情况,只有受益人才能认领。

    name: "Allows the beneficiary to claim the balance when the block-height is reached",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const targetBlockHeight = 10;
        const amount = 10;
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(targetBlockHeight), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address),

        // Advance the chain until the unlock height.

        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'claim', [], beneficiary.address),

        // The claim was successful and the STX were transferred.
        block.receipts[0].events.expectSTXTransferEvent(amount, `${deployer.address}.timelocked-wallet`, beneficiary.address);

    name: "Does not allow the beneficiary to claim the balance before the block-height is reached",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const targetBlockHeight = 10;
        const amount = 10;
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(targetBlockHeight), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address),

        // Advance the chain until the unlock height minus one.
        chain.mineEmptyBlockUntil(targetBlockHeight - 1);

        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'claim', [], beneficiary.address),

        // Should return err-unlock-height-not-reached (err u105).
        assertEquals(block.receipts[0].events.length, 0);

    name: "Does not allow anyone else to claim the balance when the block-height is reached",
    async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
        const deployer = accounts.get('deployer')!;
        const beneficiary = accounts.get('wallet_1')!;
        const other = accounts.get('wallet_2')!;
        const targetBlockHeight = 10;
        const amount = 10;
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'lock', [types.principal(beneficiary.address), types.uint(targetBlockHeight), types.uint(amount)], deployer.address),

        // Advance the chain until the unlock height.

        const block = chain.mineBlock([
            Tx.contractCall('timelocked-wallet', 'claim', [], other.address),

        // Should return err-beneficiary-only (err u104).
        assertEquals(block.receipts[0].events.length, 0);

该项目的完整源代码可以在这里找到 : https://github.com/clarity-lang/book/tree/main/projects/timelocked-wallet.

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