不懂就问,请教 oracle 的位操作

2021-09-16 13:54:35 +08:00

select UTL_RAW.BIT_AND(HEXTORAW('ead11'),HEXTORAW('1')) from dual; 这个结果为什么么是 00AD11 ? 按我的理解不应该是 00001 吗

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2021-09-16 14:00:25 +08:00
看了下方法说明 然后更不明白了
select UTL_RAW.BIT_AND(HEXTORAW('ead11'),HEXTORAW('00001')) from dual; 显示是 000001
2021-09-16 14:02:04 +08:00
UTL_RAW.BIT_AND performs a bitwise logical AND operation on two raw values. If the values have different lengths, then the AND operation is terminated after the last byte of the shorter of the two values. The unprocessed portion of the longer value is appended to the partial result to produce the final result. The length of the resulting value equals the longer of the two input values.

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