@villivateur knowroaming 问过客服有些验证码是收不到的,但有些也是可以的 Can I receive SMS verification code by using this phone number?
A: Short code SMS is not supported. Short code SMS such as verfication codes from banks or websites/apps you register to will not be delievered as this is not being sent from real mobile numbers.
2021-09-22 09:38:07 +08:00
@Rocketer 我在北美生活 10 年了,连银行绑定的都是 Google Voice 的号吗,我确实不知道您平常干什么用但是我没见过几个不支持 Google Voice 的网页或者 APP 。至于 Google Voice 本身就要求实体号这个我不太清楚,我 Google Voice 五六年前注册的,那会儿还不需要实体号。