2021-09-25 22:10:58 +08:00

不用提供简历,但请提供一个大致的个人经历概括( 150 字以内)和 statement of purpose.


ARTIVERSE.FUN 成立于 2021 年 8 月 4 日,旨在通过利用视频游戏的力量成为跨领域艺术合作的创新者。

ARTIVERSE.FUN 接触专业艺术新手和艺术大师,提供可靠且专用的元空间空间,以促进艺术作品的展示、社交和交流。 我们希望通过聚集一群人,让他们沉浸在我们精心设计的游戏和场景中,我们社区所获得的成就可以很容易地被更多人接触到。NFT 不仅仅是现实世界中艺术价值的象征性代表,它是我们提升乐趣价值并提供幸福的承诺。

这种开拓精神激励我们利用最先进的技术为我们才华横溢的社区服务。ARTIVERSE.FUN 结合计算机图形学、区块链和投票治理、增强现实和虚拟现实,旨在成为我们志同道合的最受尊敬和最杰出的基于 NFT 的项目之一。

For outline of Artiverse.Fun:

Founded on Aug 04 2021, ARTIVERSE.FUN seeks to be an innovator in cross-field arts collaboration by leveraging power from video game.

Reaching out to both professional artistic fledgelings and virtuosos, ARTIVERSE.FUN offers reliable and dedicated metaverse space to foster works of art displaying, socializing and exchanging. We wish the achievement derived from our community could be easy of access to more people by gathering a group of people and getting themselves immersed in our elaborately designed game and scenes. NFT is more than a symbolic representation of the artistic value in real world, it's our commitment to step up the fun value and to offer happiness.

That trailblazing spirit inspired us to utilize state-of-the-art technology serving our talented community. Combining Computer Graphics, Blockchain and Voting Governance, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, ARTIVERSE.FUN aims to be one of most respected and eminent NFT based project among our kindred spirits.
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1 条回复
2021-09-27 08:53:57 +08:00
不懂这个,这个是视频游戏吗? VR

这是一个专为移动设备优化的页面(即为了让你能够在 Google 搜索结果里秒开这个页面),如果你希望参与 V2EX 社区的讨论,你可以继续到 V2EX 上打开本讨论主题的完整版本。

V2EX 是创意工作者们的社区,是一个分享自己正在做的有趣事物、交流想法,可以遇见新朋友甚至新机会的地方。

V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.

© 2021 V2EX