A Chinglish chat group, Let's talk [英语练习]

2021-10-20 14:13:41 +08:00
leon0918  leon0918


Vision-愿景 Take the first step in speaking English 走出「说」英语的第一步


  1. Change the group nickname to your English name.群昵称改成你的英文名。
  2. Only speak English-expressions or words that you don’t understand are allowed to be described in other descriptive sentences. The goal is to make the listener understand what you are saying.只说英语-不懂的表达或者单词允许用描述性的其他语句来描述,目标是让听者听懂你在说什么。
  3. Don’t feel embarrassed, speak boldly-this is the Chinglish exchange group.Don’t feel embarrassed, express it bravely-this is the Chinglish chat group.不用感觉窘迫,勇敢表达-这里就是 Chinglish 沟通群。
  4. You can say anything you want-there is no limit to the topic, but it is best to get the attention of others. You can start with a question or asking others’ opinions.你想说什么都可以-不限制话题,但是最好能引起别人的注意,可以用问题或者询问他人看法开头。
  5. Friendly, no ads, no politics- hope everyone will maintain it together.友好,无广告,不涉及政治-交流群,希望大家一起维护。
  6. Hope you can make a lot of suggestions for optimizing the gameplay, so that we can do better.希望大家对优化玩法多多提出建议,让我们做的更好。


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2 条回复
2021-10-20 16:43:57 +08:00
2021-10-23 07:49:22 +08:00
The group requires an invitation to join, please add my green App : chenzesam.

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