本来自认为自己海淘多年经验也算丰富,但没想到第一次尝试用 ebay 就翻车了。 这次是为了买一个二手物品特地注册了一个账号,却怎么也无法下单。
To help protect your account, we limit the amount of items purchased by a single account at any one time. This buying limit is temporary. You can come back soon and buy more items. Protect your eBay Account: eBay will never ask you to enter your personal information - such as credit card number, password, or other -- in an email.
估计是我还没买东西呢就被风控了,明显是不想做我的生意呗。看来阿里巴巴干掉 ebay 不是没有理由的。
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