刷到了 MacRumors 的新闻,iPod 已经发布了 20 年了。MacRumors 提到他们发布的新闻链接还是 alive 的,里面的评论内容现在看起来很有意思:
Our news story covering the original iPod's announcement is still live on our website, and the comment section on the story is well known for containing several negative comments about the device. One commenter described the iPod as "far from revolutionary" and another commenter wrote "all this hype for something so ridiculous!"
还有一个有意思的事情是里面的评论跟 email thread 非常像,现在完全看不到这个风格了。
Link to MacRumors: https://www.macrumors.com/2021/10/23/ipod-turns-20-anniversary/
Link to MacRumors original post: https://www.macrumors.com/2001/10/23/apples-new-thing-ipod/
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