网址是在每个扩展的配置的商品详情最下面其他字段里,需要在 google search console 里验证所有权 设置后会把账号的提供方的名字覆盖掉,只显示可以点击的域名
2021-10-28 20:49:16 +08:00
至于 Google Play 链接,需要 App 在 Google Play 里的名字和扩展的名字完全相同,并且在同一个开发者账号下 "If you already host your item in Google Play and you want your Chrome Web Store listing to show an "Available for Android" link, your item must have the same name as your Google Play listing, and both items must be owned by the same developer account."
2021-10-29 15:49:58 +08:00
@flyhaozi 老哥牛 b ,有意思的是我 Chrome 和 App 的应用名是一样的,但是也不显示,可能和我应用里边有个括号有关系,我的应用名是 AAA(BBB) 我看了都是半角的。我研究研究咋回事。
2021-10-29 16:52:37 +08:00
@wjdfx "We regularly run a script that looks for exact matches between the item name and the developer email address in Play and CWS. If there is an exact match, the "Available for Android" link will automatically show up on your item detail page the next time the script runs. At this point, there is no way to enter the information into your listing." 看样是定期扫描的,需要名字以及开发者的邮箱一样,应该是要等下次扫描才会加上