搜了下“微信小助手”,在 Github 上看到个开源网址,里面有一段文字:
最终还是迎来了这一天,2021 年 7 月 12 号开始陆续大面积对小助手用户进行封号警告,本人无能力也无意愿与微信对抗。这一直以来是一个免费项目,直至本人两个微信号接连“限制登录,不可解封”,理由是“因涉及发布微信外挂软件售卖信息”,如此精准的斩首让我感到不安,本人确实也无精力再维护一个用户量如此庞大的项目。感谢大家与我一起打造了一个理想主义世界,所有未开源部分代码已全部开源,小助手将永久停更,不再维护和回答相关任何问题。开源不死,江湖再见。
Eventually came the day, July 12, 2021, a large number of banned warning was issued for WeChatExtension users. I have no ability or desire to fight against
WeChat.It has been a free project, nevertheless, my two WeChat accounts was banned from logging "restricted login, can not be unblocked", citing the reason of “release of WeChat plug-in software sales information”.
The precise decapitation makes me uneasy, and I really don't have the energy to maintain a project with such a large number of users.Thank you all for building an idealistic world with me.All non-open source part of the code has now opened. The WeChatExtension will stop permanently and no longer maintain and answer any relevant questions. Long live open-source, Farewell.( Appreciate @
AidanWY for his translation with 洛杉矶郊区口音)