中文介绍:《渔》 生在渔家,出归一轮,已是春秋。这便是渔家的日常。 看似平凡的瞬间却处处充满爱,无论是向往大海的热爱, 抑或是是渔人为家庭拼搏的爱,又或是出航前难舍难分的爱。 无论日月更替,鲲潜鹏飞,千丝万缕尽诉其中。 (简述:这是一副渔民画,把渔民出航和归航分别用了对比色来表达两种不同的情感, 暗喻着事物的两面性。阴阳调和始而归一。)
翻译成的英文:“ Mr Fisher” was born in a fisherman's family, sailing away to a world away. In daily life of Mr fisher, the seemingly ordinary moments are full of love, the love for ocean, the love for his family. Time fly and fish swim, to say goodbye is to die a little.( description: This is a painting about a fisherman. It uses contrasting colors to express two different emotions for the fishermen's sailing and returning, which implies the duality of things. The harmony of yin and yang begins and becomes one.)
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