Vite 用 es-build, 速度就不用多讲了。对比 CRA, 好多地方有不同。 我花了不少时间,搜了不少东西,做了一个自己用的 starter kit.
Vite + React + Typescript + Eslint + Airbnb eslint rules + Airbnb Typescript rules + Prettier + env variable import + Absolute Import Path
!yes, tons of setup and config files.
env variable import:
You need to add type in env.d.ts like "readonly VITE_ANYTHING: string"
variables MUST start with VITE_
usage of env variable in your app, no need to import, just use it as a global variable: console.log(import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL)
Absolute Import Path
import App from "~/components". ~/ is the absoulte path, equal to ./src
reverse Proxy in vite.config.ts
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