职位是 macOS 开发,但是 macOS 和 iOS 差不多所以懂 iOS 也可以。 如果 C++ 比较好,iOS/macOS 没做过也没关系,愿意学就行。 如果 iOS/macOS 方面比较好,C++要求可以低一点。 英语要求不会很高,会读写,能简单说几句就可以了。
不加班,16 天年假,15 天带薪病假。
有兴趣请发简历到: instantqiu#gmail.com
下面是官方 JD 供参考:
Autodesk is seeking for a passionate Senior Software Engineer for our team in Shanghai. As a Senior Software Engineer, you will help develop AutoCAD for Mac working with our amazing team of engineers. Combining the cutting-edge techniques to bring the AutoCAD for Mac user experience to next level on macOS. AutoCAD, as the flagship product of Autodesk, has 30 years history and keeps its strong vitality. We look seriously at providing good quality software to our customer and shortening the time to deliver the value to customers. AutoCAD team is looking for a talent developer who can work with us to combining the cutting-edge techniques to bring the AutoCAD user experience to next level.
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